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instant messaging

Instant Messaging (IM) as I remembered has really changed over the years. The first instance of IM’ing that I could remember, started with AOL Instant Messaging. After AOL, social networking websites such as Facebook offer IM as an alternate means of communication when visiting their website. Instant Messaging is the alternative to having a verbal conversation on a telephone or cellphone. It is called Instant Messaging because as long as both parties that are involved in the conversation are online than they are able to communicate with one another through text-based messaging. With the world increasingly becoming more mobile and technology dependent, text messaging became Instant Messaging.
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In my life, I have had the pleasure of using skype. Because of being in the military and doing business meetings. I am very appreciative of the VOIP technology that has allowed skype to be such a powerful tool. the VOIP (Voice Over IP) technology but doesn't primarily have to be video chatting but it can be used as another telephone services that offer calling plans. Having VOIP service providers as primary options to see or talk with friends, family and coworkers. As long as VOIP exist, people who have to leave home for certain lengths of time can feel secure in knowing that they will be able to guarantee have some type of communication. 


LinkedIn keeps people connected to friends and acquaintances but on much more business oriented. I think that LinkedIn's purpose is to keep business personnel connected which in turns leaves an open door for communication with other working-class personnel related to and not related to your career path of choice. Creating these cross-industry and cross-career connections can help one to advance in their career. Having connections all over can be very beneficial to recently graduated college students and people just looking for help finding a new job or even attempting to change career paths. I recommend to utilizing this social networking site to its fullest is to make as many connections as possible.

Social Networking

This week I took a look at three of the top social networking websites and did a comparison & contrast to see how each site stacked up to their competitors. I choose these sites not only because of their popularity, but because I am familiar with each one. I am most familiar with Facebook, but Twitter and Pinterest are social networks that I did occasionally visit. I am a member of all three sites but I have found Facebook to be the more common social networking website of the three.  Being apart of social networking can be fun and very informative of the life of the people you are connected to portray. But I realized that social networking is a great tool to help people stay connected with friends and acquaintances in this fast-paced, constant on-the-go, technology-driven society that we live in. as of Aug of 2017 leverage newage media has Facebook is #1 for a reason in the chart above. I encourage all to search and find out what is out the